Over the past three decades, God has been so good to the members of the Torch Bearers Fellowship. Many members of the Fellowship had been role models in the Society. The outreaches of the Torch Bearers in most cases are to the remote areas with little impact on the children and youths who should be touched by the grace of God. At this 30 years of establishment, the need arises for the Fellowship to make more significant, sustainable impact on the younger generation through promotion of in-depth study of the word of God and motivating the children and youths be conscious of applications of Bible Knowledge. The establishment of the Torch Bearers’ Prize in Bible Knowledge will be a transgenerational legacy in Nigeria. This prize, when established will perpetuate itself in gradually increasing manner that may surprise everyone and may eventually become an Exemplary and Renowned Prize on the African Continent. A register will be kept where the information about the winners of the Prize will be documented for mentoring as they develop into giants in the household of God.
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to: thetorchbearersasc@gmail.com